Porter Education Consulting


This website for Porter Education Consulting is the last of my independent web design jobs prior to starting at Develisys. Paula Porter has deep experience in education on both the admissions and the consultant sides of the equation. One of her key strengths is her ability to 'find the right fit' for college-bound students by matching interests, abilities, desires and the needs of the family with an appropriate institution. She is also a joy to work with and a consumate professional.

Casey Dixon, Learning Disabilities Specialist & Life Coach


Here's a quick and dirty, but hopefully very effective XHTML site for Casey Dixon (http://www.caseydixon.com). She recently started a business providing tutoring and life coaching for children, adolescents and adults who struggle with learning and attention problems. I knocked this site out in just a few days, under the duress of a critical marketing deadline (Casey is my wife!). Our primary goal was to get her content out there, but soon we'll turn to adding some more significant styling.

Fallen Peony


Here's a small linoleum cut that I just finished. This peony will illustrate a collaborative letterpress piece I am doing with J C Groff. In the final piece the peony will print white on a medium toned paper. The body, typeset by Jim, is excerpted from a letter he sent to me. One hundred fifty finished prints will be submitted to the APA. I'll try to remember to post the finished piece. And yes, I did notice that it has been exactly six months since I last posted to the site. Ouch.